Roof surveys are an important aspect of owning and managing a commercial or industrial property.

A roof survey is a careful examination of the roofing system to identify any potential problems or deficiencies. The results of a roof survey can help business property owners make informed decisions about how to best maintain their roofing system and extend its lifespan.

Unfortunately, many commercial or industrial property owners neglect to conduct regular roof surveys, which can lead to expensive damage down the road. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of roof surveys and outline some of the reasons why they are so crucial for commercial and industrial properties.

Stay tuned!

What are Roof Surveys and Why are They Important for Commercial and Industrial Properties?

A roof survey is a careful examination of the roofing system to identify any potential problems or deficiencies.

The results of a roof survey can help business owners make informed decisions about how to best maintain their roofing system and extend its lifespan. Unfortunately, many owners neglect to conduct regular roof surveys, which can lead to expensive damage down the road.

The Benefits of Conducting Regular Roof Surveys

There are many benefits to conducting regular roof surveys, including:

  1. Preventive Maintenance: Regular roof surveys can help commercial or industrial property owners catch small problems before they turn into big ones. By identifying and addressing issues early on, property owners can save themselves a lot of money and hassle in the long run.
  2. Safety: A faulty roofing system can be a serious safety hazard. A roof survey can help identify any potential safety hazards on the property and allow owners to take corrective action before someone gets hurt.
  3. Insurance Claims: If a roofing system fails, it can often lead to water damage and other costly damage. A roof survey can help owners document the condition of their roofing system before any problems occur, which can make filing an insurance claim much easier.
  4. Extended Roof Lifespan: The average lifespan of a commercial or industrial roofing system is around 20 years. By conducting regular roof surveys, owners can ensure that their roofing system is in good condition and avoid costly repairs down the road.

Conducting regular roof surveys is an important part of owning and managing a commercial or industrial property.

If you’re unsure of where to start, contact a professional roofing contractor for advice. They should be able to help you develop a roofing maintenance plan that is tailored to your specific property.

Commercial or industrial property owners who neglect to conduct regular roof surveys are doing themselves a disservice. By taking the time to conduct regular roof surveys, owners can save themselves money, hassle, and potential safety hazards.

For commercial and industrial properties, roof surveys should be conducted at least once a year to ensure that the roofing system is in good condition.

How to Conduct a Roof Survey

If you’re interested in conducting a roof survey on your commercial or industrial property, here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Assess the condition of the roofing system: Before conducting a roof survey, it’s important to assess the condition of the roofing system. Look for any signs of damage, wear, and corrosion. If you spot any problems, make a note of them and bring them up with your roofing contractor.
  2. Examine the roof structure: Take a close look at the roof structure to identify any potential problems or deficiencies. This includes checking the condition of the roof deck, trusses, and framing.
  3. Inspect the flashing and gutters: Make sure to inspect the flashing and gutters for damage and corrosion. If you find any problems, bring them to the attention of your roofing contractor.
  4. Check the seals and seams: Check the seals and seams for damage and leaks. If you find any issues, bring them to the attention of your roofing contractor.
  5. Test the drainage: Make sure that the drainage is working properly and redirect any water away from the building if necessary.
  6. Look for signs of ponding: Ponding can be a sign of a serious drainage problem. If you see any evidence of ponding, bring it to the attention of your roofing contractor.
  7. Take photos: It’s always a good idea to take photos of the property before conducting a roof survey. This will help you document the condition of the roofing system and any potential problems.
  8. Get a quote from a roofing contractor: Once you’ve completed your roof survey, it’s time to get a quote from a roofing contractor. Make sure to ask for references and contact them to get feedback from previous clients.

By following these tips, you can conduct a thorough roof survey on your commercial or industrial property.

The Importance of Having a Qualified Professional Conduct a Roof Survey

While it is possible to conduct a roof survey on your own, it’s always best to have a qualified professional do it.

A professional roofing contractor will have the expertise and experience necessary to identify any potential problems with the roofing system and provide recommendations for repair.

What to do if you Find Problems or Deficiencies During Your Roof Survey

If you find problems or deficiencies during your roof survey, don’t panic.

Bring them to the attention of your roofing contractor and work with them to come up with a repair plan. By addressing any problems early, you can prevent them from becoming bigger and more expensive to fix down the road.

Tips for Maintaining Your Commercial or Industrial Roofing System

If you want to keep your commercial or industrial roofing system in good condition, follow these tips:

  1. Conduct regular roof surveys: It’s important to conduct regular roof surveys to identify any potential problems with the roofing system. This will help you catch any issues early and prevent them from becoming bigger and more expensive to fix.
  2. Keep the roofing system clean: Make sure to keep the roofing system clean and free of debris. This will help prevent any damage or corrosion from occurring.
  3. Repair any damage or defects immediately: If you find any damage or defects on the roofing system, make sure to repair them immediately. By addressing any problems early, you can prevent them from becoming bigger and more expensive to fix.
  4. Use a qualified roofing contractor: When it comes to maintaining your commercial or industrial roofing system, it’s always best to use a qualified roofing contractor. A professional contractor will have the expertise and experience necessary to identify any potential problems with the roofing system and provide recommendations for repair.
  5. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the care and maintenance of the roofing system. This will help prolong the life of the roofing system and prevent any damage from occurring.

By following these tips, you can keep your commercial or industrial roofing system in good condition for years to come.


Commercial and industrial roofing systems are major investments, and regular roof surveys can ensure that you get the most out of that investment.

By conducting regular roof surveys, you can identify problems or deficiencies before they become bigger issues and cause extensive damage to your property. Our team of experienced professionals can help you conduct a thorough roof survey, so you can rest assured that your commercial or industrial property is in good hands.

Contact us today to learn more about our commercial and industrial roofing services!