Asbestos has been a common roofing material used in industrial settings for decades due to its durability and resistance to fire.

However, it is now known that asbestos exposure can cause serious health risks, so there is an urgent need to ensure roofing materials are safely repaired or replaced. In this guide, we will explore the dangers of rooftop asbestos, how it can be professionally repaired or replaced, and some safety considerations for those working with asbestos roofing materials.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of minerals made up of microscopic fibres that are highly durable and resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity.

It has been used for centuries because of its versatility as a building material. Due to its high temperature resistance, asbestos was used in automotive brakes and clutches.

However, when disturbed or damaged, these fibres can become airborne, which creates a risk since they are very poisonous when inhaled.

Why is Asbestos Dangerous?

When asbestos fibres are inhaled or ingested, they can cause serious health problems, including asbestosis (a lung disease), mesothelioma (an aggressive form of cancer), and other respiratory illnesses like bronchitis and asthma.

The symptoms of asbestos-related diseases can take years to develop after exposure, which means the danger from this material is not always immediately obvious. This makes it important for building owners to have their buildings tested for asbestos if they were constructed before the 1980s, to ensure there isn’t an asbestos problem waiting to cause health issues down the line.

What are the Alternatives to Asbestos?

Fortunately, many safe alternatives provide similar qualities without exposing people to potential harm.

Ceramic tiles are one example, as they provide fire resistance while also being available in many different colours and styles, making them both decorative and functional. Also, synthetic insulation materials like polyurethane foam offer excellent energy efficiency but don’t contain hazardous substances like asbestos!

Other non-asbestos options include glass wool insulation or cellulose fiberboard, which both provide good thermal protection with no added risks associated with them either!

Laws and Regulations Regarding Asbestos Roofs

Asbestos has been a hot topic of conversation in the industrial and construction sectors for decades.

Government agencies strictly regulate when, where, and how it can be used due to the health risks posed to those exposed. Asbestos roofing materials are no exception, and any work involving asbestos roofs must comply with region-specific laws and regulations, depending on where the job site is located.

Depending on these requirements, legal action may need to be taken before removing any roofing materials containing asbestos. The costs of protecting workers from asbestos exposure, as well as facilitating its disposal and abatement, may also be considered.

Environmentally conscious contractors will consider all the potential repercussions that come with their job.

What Effect Does Asbestos Have on Roofs?

The presence of asbestos on roofs can present several potential problems.

  • Asbestos dust created through normal wear-and-tear activities such as cleaning or maintenance may be hazardous if inhaled by workers and other individuals nearby.
  • Over time, asbestos roofs may become brittle, increasing the risk of inhaling dust particles when disturbed.
  • General weather conditions such as heavy rain or wind can also damage asbestos roofs, leading to exposure fibres that pose a threat upon inhalation.

How Can Asbestos Roofs Be Repaired?

Due to the hazardous nature of asbestos materials on roofs, repairs should only be conducted by a certified professional who understands the proper process for the safe removal and disposal of any contaminated material.

Generally speaking. However, two main repair options are available: encapsulation or replacement with non-asbestos materials.

Depending upon the roof’s condition, one option may be more ideal than another, so consulting a professional is always advised before beginning any work on an asbestos roof.

Safety Considerations for Working With Asbestos Roofs

When repairing a roof containing asbestos, one must take special precautionary measures to ensure safety during and after the job.

Special safety equipment, including respirators and protective clothing, should always be worn by workers while handling any asbestos-related tasks, while also adhering to strict protocols regarding waste removal after the completion of the job (such as double bagging debris). Furthermore, any areas where work was conducted must be sealed off afterwards to prevent further contamination from occurring in other parts of the building complex or neighbourhood.

In addition, workers should conduct routine monitoring checks throughout the repair process to detect any signs of deterioration in their equipment or possible health effects that might arise from exposure during maintenance operations (e.g., coughing).

Finally, at any time, there is doubt about whether an individual may have come into contact with airborne fibres. In that case, medical advice should be sought immediately from qualified professionals who understand how to treat people exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos contamination.

By following these steps, one can minimise any potential risks associated with working with these hazardous materials while still being able to maintain optimal performance levels within their work environment, regardless of whether it’s indoors or outdoors.


As you can see, there are many things to consider when repairing an asbestos roof.

Thankfully, our team of experts at Industrial Roofing Services NE Ltd. is here to help make the process as smooth and safe as possible for everyone involved. We understand the importance of adhering to government regulations and will work with you to ensure that your job site complies with all necessary safety measures.

Contact us today for a free consultation on how we can help get your asbestos roof repaired safely and efficiently.