Roof guttering is essential to many buildings, channelling rainwater away from the foundation, walls and roof.

Various types of guttering are available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages to consider when installing them. This guide will look at the different types of industrial roof guttering, how it is measured and installed, and provide valuable tips for potential customers.

What is Roof Guttering?

Roof guttering is a system of channels and pipes designed to collect rainwater from rooftops or other surfaces and direct it away from the building’s structure.

Without effective guttering systems, water can accumulate around foundations and weaken the overall stability of a property. Gutter systems also prevent water damage to both internal walls and external brickwork by redirecting rainwater into a safe area away from the property.

Types of Guttering

Several different types of industrial roof guttering are available, each with specific advantages and benefits.

The most common type is PVC gutters, which are affordable and easy to install. Metal gutters are also popular for their durability and strength, although they may be more expensive than other options.

Additionally, there are specialised types, such as copper gutters and fibreglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) gutters.

Measuring and Installing

The first step in installing roof guttering is measuring the area where it will be installed, taking into account any protrusions or obstructions that may affect the installation.

Once measurements have been taken, customers should choose a gutter size based on their needs and budget. Customers can then begin installation by following the instructions provided with the product.

It’s essential to ensure that all necessary tools and materials are available before starting the job, such as sealant, screws, clips, etc.

Important Considerations When Choosing Roof Guttering

Customers should always consider weather conditions when choosing which type of gutter to install on their property.

For example, PVC gutters may not be suitable for regions that experience frequent storms or high winds due to their lightweight nature. Customers should also consider what type of maintenance is required for different gutter systems; metal systems will generally require more upkeep than other systems due to rusting or corrosion over time from exposure to rainwater or moisture in the air.


Commercial properties benefit greatly from the installation of industrial roof guttering.

This includes protection from water damage by diverting rainwater away from the foundation and walls of a building and providing an aesthetically pleasing design element when installed correctly. Gutters come in various colours and materials, so businesses can choose one that best matches their building’s exterior design scheme.

Common Problems

As with any system, there can be problems associated with industrial roof guttering if it is not maintained correctly or if it has been incorrectly installed. Some of these issues include leaking joints where pieces have been misconnected or clogged downspouts, which can cause water damage if left unchecked for too long (this issue can usually be resolved relatively quickly by clearing out the blockage).

Tips for Installing

  1. Measure twice before cutting: To avoid surprises later on, make sure all measurements are precise before cutting any material!
  2. Use quality sealant: Ensure high-grade sealants are used throughout the process to ensure no leakage around joints between two pieces.
  3. Check attachments regularly: Check all attachments regularly after installation so future problems can be avoided.
  4. Use corrosion-resistant materials: Use galvanised steel or other corrosion-resistant materials when possible.
  5. Install leaf guards: Install leaf guards on downspouts if they are available in your area, as this will help keep up regular maintenance efforts.
  6. Clean regularly: Clean leaves and debris from gutters periodically, which will help maintain efficiency over time.
  7. Check slope and pitch: Ensure your gutter system has enough slope (at least 1/8 inch per foot) to drain correctly.
  8. Secure fasteners: Fasten securely using screws so your system won’t move during windy conditions.
  9. Seal ends: Use a quality sealant at end caps and downspout outlets, so leaks don’t occur.
  10. Regular inspections: Inspect your system periodically for any signs of wear and tear so repairs can be made before big problems arise.

Tips for Purchasing Gutters

  • Consider purchasing pre-painted colours as this eliminates having to paint it yourself afterwards, saving time later down the line.
  • Look into purchasing anti-corrosive coating treatments for metal gutters, as this helps protect against rusting.
  • When clips are joined together, make sure they are securely fastened, leaving no room for water to seep through cracks.
  • Check if your supplier offers warranties on their products before purchasing.
  • Research thoroughly online before committing to your purchase; compare prices between different suppliers before deciding.


Installing industrial roof guttering is essential to protecting a commercial building from water damage caused by rainwater runoff and improper drainage.

However, it’s necessary to take into account factors like budget constraints, weather conditions, etc. when deciding which type of system would work best for your property’s requirements; additionally, following the tips outlined above will help ensure proper installation and maintenance efforts throughout its lifespan, so you get the maximum benefit from your investment in industrial roof guttering!